Thursday, March 26, 2009

Worshiping with Chasen

Last Sunday I got up for church, but instead of heading to my home church, I decided to drive 1-1/2 hours to worship at my friend's church in DeMotte, IN. Why? So I could enjoy the band Chasen leading worship.

After the pastor welcomed the congregation, Chasen launched into some familiar praise tunes, including "All Because of Jesus" and "Everlasting God." They also played some original music from their CD, including "Doubts and Disbeliefs" and "Drown." Lead singer Chasen Callahan shared about writing the latter song in a time of being overwhelmed, and how God redeemed him in that situation.

I enjoyed this opportunity to experience the band as they shared their musical roots. They got their start in the church, writing praise and worship choruses for Sunday services and youth group events. Lead singer Chasen Callahan pulled in friends Evan Silver and Aaron Lord to help him with worship at a summer camp. With the addition of bassist Stephen Adkisson on this Sunday morning, it was obvious that they genuinely love bringing people closer to God with their gift of music.

Kudos to First Reformed Church of DeMotte for bringing in these talented musicians and worship leaders to offer something different to God's people on this Sunday morning.

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